
You can now book your breedings of WORTEX !
These are the very last news : The book of Wortex is now officialy opened ! WORTEX is now considered as one of the best SHANGAI EA sons, and out of Mirwanah Kalliste, one of the most extremely headed and complete daughters of Mawan Al Shaqab ! He proved this year that he is an amazing colt by its beautiful results on the international scale (find them on its own page) and his genetics is exceptionnal ! Book your breedings now and take advantage of very incentive conditions and price ! Trust the Future, Join Us, Believe in WORTEX !

WORTEX Kalliste : Such an amazing endding year !
Wortex Kalliste est à présent considéré comme l'un des tous meilleurs fils de Shangai EA du circuit international et fera honneur à ses fiers parents encore de nombreuses années... Wow ! Wortex last results are trully exceptionnal ! Our beautiful colt seduced one more the judges of the European championship : he's not only won his class but also got the highest score among all the yearlings ! 1,5points more thant the other claswinner, the proud All Nations Cup and European champion ! Wortex was awaitted as a future medalist, and was nominated twice for the Silver medal, and once for the Gold ! He is 4th, that is to say that he is endding his amazing show season on a wonderful Top Five at the Europeans ! Congratulations

WORTEX Kalliste : Gold champion again !
Wow, Wortex is again signing an incredible result by winning his class and guetting the GOLD medal at the International Deauville Arabians Cup ! Wortex is ever ranking among the best yearing colts of his generation and proves he is improving himself more and more on each competition ! He is honnoring his sire, the amazing Shangai EA sold to Ajman Stud, and his dam, our high level multi international champion Mirwanah Kalliste by Marwan Al Shaqab ! Thank you to the Schoukens team, to all the people who support him since the very beguinning and trust him for the future, and of course, to you, Wortex ! We would like to congratulate also every other contenders and specialy the Bronze medal, the french Tchataa Iniziato.

WORTEX Kalliste did it again !
WORTEX (Shangai EA & Mirwanah Kalliste by Marw Al Shaqab) proved again his quality at the All Nations Cup of Aachen ! He achieved 4th of the Futurity, and 1st and unique male ! We feel very proud of our future stallion oaged of one year old and would like to thank his international supporters ! Show records : -Classwinner and Bronze Champion - Tulip Cup -3rd in Menton International A show -Classwinner & Gold Champion - European Breeders'Cup - Chantilly -Top Five Futuity All Nations Cup - Aachen

French National Champion foal : ARES Kalliste
ARES Kalliste, our new future super star ! Because we are passionaly working on our genetics selection, we are thrilled to introduce this outstandding colt : ARES Kallisté was sired by world champion stallion EKS Alihandro & Avalon Miss Kalliste, multi international champion sired by World champion Marajj ! A well thought linebreeding on world champion Marwan Al Shaqab. We are under the spell of Ares, and the French national juges were too : "welcome to the world Ares, you are ever a French national champion, and the international scene will be your playground !"

WORTEX Kalliste : Médaille d'Or à la Coupe d'Europe des Eleveurs !
Wow ! Our amazing WORTEX Kalliste, the first of our second generation of Kalliste Arabians bred horses, has just confirmed his quality by winning the Gold Medal at the European Breeders' Cup of Chantilly ! This unique French medal will remain in our minds : every French people admirably sang the Marseillaise for him ! Wortex Kalliste is the son of the wonderful French national and multi interntaional champion Mirwanah Kalliste, still considered as one of the very best Marwan Al Shaqab daughters in the world today by our estimated friend Mohammed Al Sulaiti. His sire is the incredible reserve World champion Shangai EA, who is now not yet available for breedings. However, Wortex will honnored his sire and dam by following

Wortex Kalliste : BEST FRENCH HORSE
We are very happy about the wonderful beguining of WORTEX Kalliste as an interntaional contender on high level show competitions. Wortex is proving us the quality of our products is passing by the generations. This year, exactely in the same competition which reveals her dam, the amazing MIRWANAH Kalliste, one of the most beautiful Marwan Al Shaqab daughters, Wortex was sacred Best French Horse ! This award reminds us the victory of Mirwanah when she won her class and achieved silver Medal junior filly also in Menton international A show, just after winning her class and the Gold in Bordeaux international B show, and just before taking the silver medal at the Elran Cup where she won her class and winning another

In love with our 2015 babies !
What a wonderful year for Kalliste Arabians ! Our first 2015 babies are amazing ! As a proof, we would like to introduce this new marvel : She is the daughter of our pure polish mare Euspiria, dam of our beautiful Kahid by Kahil Al Shaqab, And of the worldwide famous EMERALD J, recently sold to Al Muawd (Saudi Arabia) and whose breedings will be soon not available anymore ! This bay princess will make you dream, so let's size this opportunity to own such a beautiful filly !

BS SPECIFIC, still a world class stallion !
Such a beautiful pic of European Champion stallion : BS SPECIFIC ! We would like to thank Aurélien Nouailles, the talented amateur handler trained by Bertrand Valette, for his amazing work ! Photo by Renato Sorvillo.

SHAÏNA Kalliste : Congratulations to her news owners in Israel !
We would like to congratulate the new owners of SHAÏNA Kalliste, our beautiful daughter of Shangai EA and LA Saalmah by our chief stallion BS Specific : Eyal Eli & Gil Levi ! Our best wishes to our beloved SHAÏNA who is just guetting better and better, for her show career in Israel.

Chéhérazade : leaving us for a new home sweet home !
Congratulations to MR. GINESTET for the adquisition of our beautiful egyptian and homozygous black mare : Joseph's Cheherazade ! We will miss this very sweet mare, but no doubt she will be treated like a princess by her new family ! Photo by the talented French photographer CECILE MARLEIX.

LA SAALMAH, sired by BS Specific
We are so proud of our magnificient mare sired by BS SPEICIFIC, european champion ! LA Saalmah was crowned Gold Medal Champion mare in Toulouse last weekend ! She is now in foal to Shangai EA for 2015 ! Thank you a lot to her handler Aurélien Nouailles !

FM Rihanna, little daughter of BS SPECIFIC
Congratulations to the beautiful Shagai daughter : FM Rihanna, for her recent success in Vichy as the Junior Female Gold Medalist ! This beautiful filly is out the multi international and national champion mare FM NEFERTARI sired by our European champion BS SPECIFIC ! She was bred by our friends, the Martinez Family, and still owned by them.

BS Specific, our European champion and Bronze World champion, would like to congratulate his daughter FM Nefetari For her last GOLD Medal in Chantilly for the European Breeder's Cup ! This mavelous mare is bred and owned by the Martinez family. She is ever national and international champion, and now adding a new success to her show amazing carreer ! She is also the dam of the 2 years old FM Rihanna, sired by Shangai EA, who is following her dam's footsteps, by winning some competitions such as Top five in Menton A Show, then Gold in Vichy, and others to come ! No doubt that that BS Specific's daughters are just stunning broodmares !

Congratulations to FM NEFERTARI !!
Congratulations to FM NEFERTARI, the magnificient daughter of our stallion BS SPECIFIC, European champion ! She was ever an international champion, and a spanish national champion, and now she has won another title of Gold champion in Chantilly ! Congratulations to our friends, the Martinez family, for breeding and owning such a marvel !

K'A ISSAAR conquered the heart of his new owner
Our beautiful and impressive K'A Issaar, sired by our European Champion Champion stallion BS Specific, and out of our first mare Al Najba de Lam by Wolrd Reserve champion AS Sinans Pasha, will now compete for Marocco ! We would like to congratulate his new owner for his judicious choice and thank our dear friend Loic BOULAY for his help and assistance into this sale. All the best to you my Issaar, I will miss you !

We would like to thank our friend Sandrine Hervieu, for trusting in Mirjjaman's genetics potential ! This beautiful bay young stallion is the half brother to our worldwide famous mare : MIRWANAH Kallisté (By Marwan Al Shaqab). His dam is Nakubaya Kosscak (Kubay Khan & Nalatonna by Balaton), an amazing producer. His sire is the renowed and exceptionnal stallion Ajman Monicione (WH Justice) ! We really trust in his potential as a Sire... This is your chance to book directly your breeding to Avalon Ranch, Sandrine Hervieu, and to take advange of the launching price !

A GIFT OF GOD. This is what he is. Regarding the words of our friend Albert SORROCA, the breeder and owner of the very famous SHANGAI EA, his proud Sire, This baby is probably "the best he has ever seen in his life". In reality, he is also "the best we have ever produced" ! Thank you also to our multi international champion mare, MIRWANAH Kallisté, for giving us such a beautiful first colt ! MIRWANAH Kalliste ranks among the most wellkonwn MARWAN AL SHAQAB's daughters in the world today. She is one the most typed, reffined, and complete, he has ever made. And she is honoring his bloodline by transmitting her best qualities. This cross is a success, each one of those two exceptionnal horses has given his best to this amazing

We waited for this baby for a long time... We hoped for him to be born as an exceptionnal colt We imagined him as future champion, We dreamt thousands of times of this marvel... And he is beyond all our expectations ! Regarding the words of our friend Albert SORROCA, the breeder and owner of the very famous SHANGAI EA, his proud Sire, This baby is probably "the best he has ever seen in his life". In reality, he is also "the best we have ever produced" ! Thank you also to our multi international champion mare, MIRWANAH Kallisté, for giving us such a beautiful first colt ! MIRWANAH Kalliste ranks among the most wellkonwn MARWAN AL SHAQAB's daughters in the world today. She is one the most typed, reffined, and complete, he has

Our Marvel.

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs GINESTET !
We would like to congratulate Mr and Mrs GINESTET from France, on their judicious adquisition : The beautiful 2013 Grey colt, Sired by Qatar National Champion : Monther Al Nasser, And out of the multi champion mare, national and international champions producer : Shamilah Jina Bea (Warandes Plakat & Julia Bea, both world champions) : GUESS Kalliste ! He will be a real asset for your plans !

Congratulations to Mr and Mrs MICHON !
We are so happy and proud of the choice of Mr and Mrs MICHON concerning the adquisition of : DOLCE Kallisté !! (BS Specific & KZ Rosella) This beautiful 2013 grey colt is an extraordinnary good investment for the future !

Wow ! JOLIE is becoming more and more beautiful ! I cannot resist in posting some news pics of this beauty. I, Jennifer Dhombre, would like to congratulate again Giovanni Carrara, from Italy, and his family, for their fantastic filly ! Thank you for your trust.

8 New Top Quality Foals born in 2013 !
What a successful year ! 8 New foals are born this year ! Each one of them is full of qualities ! Incredible ! Our strict breeding policy has proved again the good way we are following thanks to our Love of the Purebred Arabian Horse ! We are not looking only for typey horses, but for typey and fonctionnal horses, that is to say horses who can comptete on high level morphology and motion competitions (Shows) and have a great body, good legs and locomotion to allow them to be ridden too ! Our 2013 products reach that goal and make us proud of them. If you are looking for beautiful True Arabian Horses, Welcome to the high Level show competitions...Welcome to Kallisté Arabians Horses available at any budget, from the leisure horse,

Top Quality Babies !
Here they are ! Yes, they are all beautiful, and some of them are the future superstars of the show rings ! We are missing some times to add every babies, but if you are looking for some excellent quality ones, we have them ! Our 2013 were sired by : Shangai EA, Kahil Al Shqab, Van Gogh AM, Monther Al Nasser, Perfect de Lafon, BS Specific...And others ! Now, we are ever preparing the 2014 spring time ! Some of the best stallions across the world will contribute to the the creation of new super stars : FS Shamal, Dakkharo, Marwan Al Shaqab, WH Justice, Kahil Al Shqab, Wadee Al Shaqab, BS Specific, Shangai EA...And others ! It High time for you to join us into the Wolrd of Passion and Success : Welcome to Kallisté Arabians

A Special Thank You !
(Photo : Sheikh Mutlaq and Jennifer Dhombre, walking like brother and sister) We, Jennifer Dhombre and Aurélien Nouailles, Wanted to specialy thank His Royal Highness, Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin AbdulAziz Al Saud And our Dear friend Sheikh Mutlaq, For giving us the opportunity to come to Saoudi Arabia and assist to the Fantastic...Al Khalediah Festival 2013 ! We can assure you that : Al Khalediah Festival is The place to go ! This is simply an unmissable event, worlwide famous, so well organised ! It gave us the opportunity to see among the best horses in the world competing, and to admire again the Supreme World Champion : Dakkharo ! Such an amazing stallion who will complete one of our special mares in 2013, with

Congratulations to Al Khalediah Farm !
We wanted espacialy congratulate Al Khalediah Farm, managed by our friend, the talented sheikh Mutlaq, For winning at the World Championship....the Supreme Gold Medal with Dakkharo !! Congratulations to His Royal Highness, Prince Khaled bin Sultan bin AbdulAziz Al Saud for this success !! It was a very happy moment for every supporters !

Mirwanah Kallisté, the success story is not endding...
Another successful year has just endded... In 2012, the worldwide famous multi international champion Marwan Al Shaqab daughter, Mirwanah Kallisté, took part into only 2 competitions : First, she was named Unanimous Junior French National Champion Mare ! Then, without any other competition for preparation, she bet she could make a super performance in Paris...And she did ! She reached the goal by winning her place as Top Ten Junior Female, with an excellent score, in the World Championship ! And for the first time, she shown to the world how she could move ! What a charismatic filly ! Congratulations, Mirwanah ! And thank you for being yourself.

MIRWANAH KALLISTE : Franch National Champion !!!
We are happy to share with you the very last news : Our homemade Jewel, the worldwide famous Mirwanah Kallisté (sired by Marwan Al Shaqab), has just signed her return on the 2012 morphological competitions : By winning the French National Junior Female Title (at 3 years old, for her first try) ! Congrats to you, Mirwanah ! She also made the highest score female of the show. Another great success for this high quality filly who makes us so happy and proud. Thank you very much again to all those who supported her, once again ! Sincerely, Jennifer Dhombre

Elimeja (By Gazal Al Shaqab) in foal to Van Gogh !!
Wooow ! We are so happy, and feel a bit impatient to discover the new champion to be born in 2013 ! Elimeja, our beautiful and refined Gazal Al Shaqab daughter, is declared in foal to the wonderful Van Gog AM ! A wonderful bay baby with a so special pedigree, will so join Kallisté Arabians' familly within some months... For those who would feel any interest, you can see more details on Market Place, 2013 Unborn Foals.

Another of our beauties in foal !
For sure you have recognize the wonderful polish mare Euspiria. Also have you seen her 2012 filly sired by Brazilian national champion Ulysses Rach ? She is more than very special... And for your pleasure, we are happy to annonce you that this great mare is now in foal to the Junior World champion Kahil Al Shaqab for 2013 ! Such another wonderful baby to be born !

Our precipous BS Specific's daughter, Saalmah, is in foal !
For those who didn't know the news, L'A Saalmah, the international champion filly, is in foal to the World reserve champion : Shangai EA (by WH Justice). We are more than excited by that exceptionnal cross ! Concerning the foal to be born in 2013, movement, size and an Extream type are guaranteed !